Monday, March 15, 2010


So last night I went to my church with gage, liz, and nathan. It was really cool to go with people I know because so often I kind of get lost in the crowd at my church. I really love the church because they pray fervently, worship wholeheartedly and speak the truth about Jesus and his worth so joyfully!

Last night Pastor Mark preached a message that really challenged me. It left me at the end of the service wanting to raise my hand, along with others, and respond to his challenge to re-evaluate the worth I place in/on Jesus. In fact it challenged me that maybe I have taken advantage of (or for granted) the treasure I found in Jesus when I accepted Him years ago.

We've been learning about parables. Parables were Jesus' way of speaking truth to people who didn't know how to hear truth.

Anyways....last night we talked about the parable of the laborer who discovered great treasure hidden in the ground while he was working in the field (Matt. 13). When he struck gold (literally) he bolted into town, sold everything he owned, went to the person who would distribute land and bought the plot of land. The point pastor Mark emphasized in the parable was the man's recognition of the value of what he had found and his eagerness to take possession of the treasure once he had found it. He didn't lackadaisically continue on with his day; assuming he could always return some other day and possibly find it again. He immediately took action. He may not have been the most educated person, assuming he was a day laborer, but he was able to assess the great worth of what he had found and it became his priority; he was willing to give up everything to obtain it.

Similarly the parable immediately after talks about a merchant, who we can assume was educated and knew what he was doing, who went to market and found the most amazing and valuable pearl he had ever come across in all his excursions. Upon discovering the pearl he went out, sold everything he owned and purchased the pearl. Just like the laborer who found the treasure in the field the merchant was earnest, once he had found the item of great worth, to obtain it.

Both parables emphasize the joy both men had after they had found what they recognized as something of great worth. To both of the men the business venture they made may have been difficult; selling everything you own for one large investment would be hard. In business it might even seem foolish to invest solely in one venture. The cool thing is that neither of these men appear to be hesitant at all about their investment. They understood that though they were giving up everything...they were gaining something far more precious.

Finally Pastor Mark hit on the point that literally broke my heart. Cost is only viewed as sacrifice when I don't believe in the value of the treasure. Sometimes the Christian walk seems so haaaaaaaard. When I say hard imagine me groaning as I say it. It seems haaaaaard. Imagine me kind of whining (if you know me this shouldnt be super hard to fathom). Deliberately choosing Jesus, whom I have acknowledged as the treasure, and giving up everything for Him feels haaaard. But when you realize that Jesus is a treasure, when you realize that He is worth everything, the only response you can muster up is joy. Living with, and for, Jesus only feels like sacrifice if I fail to realize the joy of His great worth.

Anyways...I dont want to get preachy. I could care less about preachy these days. What I really want to get across is that I want to change my perspective. Jesus is soooo valuable and when I wake up every day he deserves worship (pastor Mark described it as worth-ship: declaring Jesus great worth) and as I slowly die to me I slowly realize that He's worth everything.

Whelp.... I hope I didnt dive to deep with my first meditation but I literally could not hold it in when I heard this message. It was so applicable because lately I think by relationship with Jesus has seemed so haaaaard because I have misplaced my priorities and overlooked the treasure of Jesus.

Peace Ya'll! :) Love you all---whoever you are.

Here's the link if you wanna listen to his message. I strongly encourage it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Will this really work...?

Hey everyone....or right now probably no one. I cant even count how many blogs I've visited that hadn't been updated in months or years. I dunno if I'm diligent enough to maintain it either...but I'm willing to take a stab at it.

Here's my philosophy...

When I was a young child (this pretty much encompasses all of life until I moved away from Brentwood for college) I was pretty argumentative about my beliefs and convictions. Those times make me shutter now. I don't want to be that way. So just to be clear...that is not why I'm creating this blog....I'm writing thoughts down to think out loud in a way and to get peoples opinions and feedback. Much more constructive :)

A thought, musing or meditation is coming soon..... :)
